Do you know anyone going through a difficult time in the current economic crisis?

Let’s help them discover that the PROACT EDUCATION SYSTEM is the key that unlocks the door to a bright world of endless opportunities and limitless potential.

In spite of the current economic situation, we are living in very exciting and dynamic times. Never in human history has there been such rapid technological advancements bringing about amazing new opportunities. There are no shortage of opportunities, only shortage of preparedness. The world is brimming with opportunities for those with the right skills and education. 

At PROACT, our goal is to prepare our community of affiliates and users to succeed in a rapidly changing world. With a faculty consisting of industry experts delivering courses and training programs for professions that are in high demand, we ensure that our students are equipped with the right skills and knowledge to thrive in their chosen career paths.

At PROACT, we believe that top-quality education empowers individuals to explore vast career prospects and grow both personally and professionally.

PROACT EDUCATION SYSTEM has the potential to bring about transformative change in individuals and society. Its benefits underscore the value and importance of investing in education. Here are just a few of the benefits:

Higher Earning Potential   Wider Employment Opportunities  Personal Growth

Enhanced Skill Development   Critical Thinking   Social Skills 

Self-Confidence   Innovation and Creativity



The PROACT EDUCATION SYSTEM plays a crucial role in facilitating our community of affiliates and users transition from academic life to the professional world. Here are some of the ways we support our community of affiliates and users:

Career Counseling     Job Placement Services     Interview Preparation

Alumni Networks     Continuing Education 

Mentorship         Access to Resources

By offering such support, we ensure that our community of affiliates and users are not just equipped with academic knowledge and technical skills but are also prepared to navigate the professional world effectively. The end of a course of study doesn't mean the end of our commitment, instead, it marks the beginning of a new phase in our relationship. 

In addition to high-demand industry specific courses in the chosen career of the students, we offer transferable skill based courses that are relevant to all industries. 

Here are some of the transferable skill based courses that we are already covering, or will be covering in the near future:

Professional Communication: Courses in professional communication can help students become effective communicators in the workplace. They can learn to craft professional emails, write reports, deliver presentations, and navigate interpersonal communication in a professional context.

Digital Literacy: In today's digital world, having a strong grasp on digital tools is crucial. Courses in digital literacy cover everything from the basics of navigating an operating system to using cloud-based collaboration tools, digital security, and more.

Project Management: A course in project management can provide students with the skills to organize, plan, and execute projects effectively, a necessary skill in many job roles.

Data Analytics: Almost every industry today relies on data to make informed decisions. A course on data analytics can provide students with the skills to collect, analyze, interpret, and present data.

Leadership and Teamwork: Courses focusing on leadership can help to motivate teams, resolve conflicts, and lead projects. Teamwork-related skills are also important as many workplaces function on a team-based structure.

Personal Brand and Image Building: This course covers strategies to increase personal visibility, credibility and reputation.

Entrepreneurship: For those who aspire to start their own businesses, entrepreneurship courses can provide them with knowledge and skills to start a business.

Intrepreneurship: For employees who want to positively impact their work place.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: These are highly valued skills in the workplace. Courses that challenge students to solve complex problems, think creatively, and make reasoned decisions can be very beneficial.

Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Courses on ethics and CSR can equip students to deal with ethical dilemmas in the workplace and understand the role businesses play in society and the environment.

Negotiation and Conflict Resolution: These skills are crucial in the workplace, helping individuals to negotiate terms, resolve disputes, and reach consensus with coworkers and clients.

Public Speaking: This course can improve students' presentation skills and boost their confidence, allowing them to effectively communicate their ideas to groups.

Time Management: Courses on time management teach students to prioritize tasks, set and meet deadlines, and work more efficiently – skills that are highly valued in any professional setting.

Financial Literacy: Understanding financial concepts like budgeting, taxation, investing, and financial risk can be beneficial in both personal and professional life.

Cultural Competency: As workplaces become increasingly diverse, understanding and respecting cultural differences is crucial. This course can help students work effectively in a multicultural environment.

Sales and Marketing: Regardless of the field, having sales and marketing skills can be advantageous.

Customer Service: Exceptional customer service can set a business apart. A course in this area can teach students how to interact with customers effectively, handle complaints, and build customer loyalty.

Ethics in Technology: With technology's rising dominance, understanding the ethical implications of its use is important. This course covers areas like data privacy, AI ethics, and digital rights.

Professional Networking: A course in professional networking can provide students with strategies to build and maintain professional and business relationships.

Human Resources Management: This course would be beneficial for those aspiring to a managerial role, covering topics like recruitment, employee relations, training and development, and workplace law.

A mix of these skills-based courses ensures that students are well-rounded professionals ready to make a valuable contribution in the workplace, regardless of the industry they choose to enter.


Our aim is to become the no.1 platform for employers seeking to hire trained, certified and experienced professionals based the reputation of our education system, industry connections and the quality of our graduating students. Here are some of the strategies that we will use to achieve this objective:

Industry-Relevant Curriculum: Ensuring that the curriculum is aligned with industry needs and the course content is regularly updated in consultation with industry experts. This ensures that students are learning skills that are current and relevant.

Internship and Work Placement Programs: Establish strong relationships with businesses and industries for internships and work placements. This gives students practical experience and helps them establish a foothold in the industry, making them more attractive to future employers.

Partnerships with Businesses: Form partnerships with businesses and industry bodies. These partnerships can lead to research collaborations, guest lectures by industry professionals, and direct recruitment opportunities.

Strong Career Services: A dedicated career services department can liaise with businesses, conduct resume workshops, and provide interview training. These services will not only help students find suitable jobs but also present the PROACT as a source of high-quality candidates to employers.

Showcase Expertise and Skills: A PROACT community based freelancer’s platform where students are able to offer their services to potential customers and employers, from within our community and to the outside world. By showcasing the achievements of our successful alumni we can help attract more customers and employers.

Alumni Success Stories: Promote success stories of alumni who have made significant achievements in their careers. This enhances the reputation of the PROACT EDUCATION SYSTEM and attracts employers looking for similar successful candidates.